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I would be remiss on "Teen Pop Stars" week to not include Justin Bieber.  The oldest redhead in our home has the fever, the Bieber fever that is.  :) 
Last summer she bough all the CD's he had done to that point and played them.  CONSTANTLY.  Dear Lord I thought I was going to pull my eyelashes out and my ears would start to bleed. 
Apparently this kid is extremely talented.  Started playing the drums and guitar in his toddler years - literally - and has progressed ever since.  Good for him.  Glad for him. 
As I am with all teen stars I don't hold my breath until they get to be around Miley's age and begin to show the world who they really are going to be as they mature.  We can all see where Miley is headed and with Bieber hanging out with people like Snoop Dog and Usher...well let's just say my daughter may be taking down her poster of him sooner rather than later if he begins to act like them!
Since I have listened repeatedly to all of his songs I find them hysterical because when he was 13 and 14 he was singing about true love.  TRUE LOVE?  AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  All the teen stars sing about this and it cracks me up.  They know nothing.  Nothing! 
Oh well, it provides entertainment for the tweeners and teens and back in my day the pop stars of that day were doing the same kinds of songs and most likely my Mom was saying the same kinds of things! 



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