*GASP* A Type A who is grateful for structure?! Say it ain't so! Yeah, yeah this one comes as no surprise to those who know me well. But stick with me, those of you who don't feel so grateful for structure, and maybe I can get you to at least consider it. :) Here's why I am grateful for structure - we need it, no matter if we are Type A, B, C, or D. Everyone needs some kind of structure in their life. It might look different for each of us but it provides a foundation upon which to stand each day. It gives us accountability, a direction to go toward, a framework in which to build our days from. Oh sure, we can each go a day or two without structure but examine yourself closely after a couple days of drifting about and see if you don't feel a little at loose ends without having lived out those days without whatever kind of structure works best for you. Stop thinking of structure as a bad thing, start seeing it as the helpful thing that it is. It ...