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Day 182: Coming home in light AND I'm halfway through!

I am always grateful when I can drive home from work while it is still light out.  There's something so different about arriving home at 5:45 pm with light still in the sky rather than at the same time with it pitch black.  It affects my energy levels, probably my moods *grin*, my outlook on what I can get accomplished on a weeknight. Maybe that sounds weird but I've been noticing the differences as the skies have stayed lighter the past week or two.  So today when I arrived home at 5:30 pm and it was still light out I felt...good, peaceful, like I had space in my evening before I had to go to bed.  Am I the only one who feels the difference or are there others out there who are also grateful for the longer days?
So I'm halfway through the most recent installment of the 365 Experiment.  This one has been, by far, the hardest. I tried really hard not to use up all the "givens" in the first month or two of the experiment and I do think I have a few in reserve still.  But it's been tough! Tough because some days I'm just "go go go" and I don't put any conscious thought toward gratefulness and on those "go" days life is a blur and I don't even notice much about my day except that I got through it. Tough because some days it becomes clear to me that I allow circumstances to infect my joy and interrupt gratefulness (joy and gratefulness go hand in hand). Tough because some days I'm too focused on the big stuff and have missed the little stuff all together (which is usually where Gratitude Attitudes are found).  So it's been tough. But a life skill in my world is being able to persevere through the obstacle and come out on the other side so to that end I've managed to come up with a Gratitude Attitude for each day.
182.5 more days to go. The days ahead are ripe with anticipation for me.  What will I encounter that prompts immediate gratefulness? What will I encounter that I have to work through to find my Gratitude Attitude?  In what ways could I inspire *you* to gratefulness and could *you* inspire me to it?  How will the 365 of Gratitude Attitudes culminate?
Thank you for joining me on this journey!


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