So this is a Gratitude Attitude that is focused on taking something that makes me grumble and complain and finding a reason to be grateful for it. (That's called making some lemonade people.)
I really hate the wind. And today it is bad. It is cold, harsh, unrelenting. Oh I can't stand it. BUT it provides me the perfect opportunity to turn that complaint into gratitude. So I did the first thing I could think of. I Googled "what does wind do for us" and here's what I discovered. Wind can cool me off on a hot day (as long as the wind itself isn't hot...oh wait...I'm supposed to be positive), it provides energy that in turn creates electricity, it makes the leaves on trees sing a song, wind can blow away pollution, a Chinook wind can melt blizzard snows and usher in warmer weather. That's about all I can come up with, turns out Google's entries weren't all that helpful to me. But I like the song trees sing with the wind as their conductor and I do like the Chinook winds. I am grateful (or trying to be) for wind, it is part of the cycle of nature. It has its role to fulfill and without it I am sure I might be wishing for it!
I really hate the wind. And today it is bad. It is cold, harsh, unrelenting. Oh I can't stand it. BUT it provides me the perfect opportunity to turn that complaint into gratitude. So I did the first thing I could think of. I Googled "what does wind do for us" and here's what I discovered. Wind can cool me off on a hot day (as long as the wind itself isn't hot...oh wait...I'm supposed to be positive), it provides energy that in turn creates electricity, it makes the leaves on trees sing a song, wind can blow away pollution, a Chinook wind can melt blizzard snows and usher in warmer weather. That's about all I can come up with, turns out Google's entries weren't all that helpful to me. But I like the song trees sing with the wind as their conductor and I do like the Chinook winds. I am grateful (or trying to be) for wind, it is part of the cycle of nature. It has its role to fulfill and without it I am sure I might be wishing for it!
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