"Nothing happens just because we are aware of modern-day slavery, but nothing will EVER happen until we are." Today is #enditmovement day. Draw a red X on your hand and when people look or ask tell them about the 27 million modern slaves in the world today. Be their voice since theirs has been silenced. It's not the only kind of awareness day. Another one is coming up on March 22, World Water Day. We have AIDS awareness days, Earth Day, etc. A friend came to me this morning and said she needed to discuss this whole red X thing. "What good does it do? Doesn't it just show people enslaved that we can draw red X's on our hands and post them on Facebook?" I've heard it before. And it's a legit question to ask - how do you choose what awareness movements to be a part of so that something like Koni2012 doesn't happen again? (It's the first one that came to mind) Which ones are legit and which ones are just meant to cause a bunch of hy...