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You Are All I'm After

Coffey Anderson is a virtual unknown right now but I bet his name will gain some recognition in the next few years.  He is incredibly talented vocally and musically.  AND can we please just talk about how cool his name is?!  :)  Coffey?  C'mon, what a great name and his beautiful skin matches his name.  You just have to think he's cool!
Coffey's voice is smooooooooth.  And I downloaded his album and it is an interesting mix of black gospel and contemporary worship.  He did throw in on his album a version, hip hoppish in style, of the classic Father Abraham!  I've included it today as a bonus just because if I get it stuck in my head I need some company! HA! 
Today's song was put on my radar thanks to one of my bestie's, Jodi.  She shot it my way and knows me well.  She knew I would like it.  :) 
Today's song is such a great proclamation of faith in Christ.  A couple of lines in there that are so important when it comes to accepting God and his gift of salvation.  "Your blood is stronger than my sin, your grace is bigger than my failure."  Once we get that and I really mean GET that then we can begin to believe God is real.  God is the only valid solution to any problem, the only true healing for any wound, the only true answer to the questions.  You may not like that, you may disagree with it but it doesn't change God and who he really is.  He does not, should not, can not fit into OUR ideas but rather we must transform to fit to him.  The disbelief of many of the facts about God come from trying to make him fit to us rather than seeing that we must fit to him.  Wow, that was soapbox I didn't intend to pull out.  It's best saved for a different blog so I'll put it back away for now and just hope that you receive joy in listening to today's song and you can also say that God is all you are after, not that you are after to make God conform to your ideas and perspectives but that you are after HIS.  And warning: his will rub you wrong, his will offend you, his will make you a little mad "at him" but his are the narrow path and because he is sovereign.  He truly does know what is best and we may think we do but really we don't.  :)

You Are All I'm After (beach version!)
You Are All I'm After (studio cut)
Father Abraham


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