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I'm not sure if I don't know of one woman who doesn't struggle with her beauty.  Even the beautiful struggle with their beauty, whether that be internal or external.  It seems that part of the Fall (you know Garden of Eden, the serpent, Eve chomping on a piece of fruit she shouldn't have, the fallout...) was women struggle with beauty - heart and external.  We are never quite satisfied when we glance in a mirror and we know, in the depths of us, how ugly we can be in our private lives - our very hearts.  It seems that we silently ask, if not out loud, "Am I enough for anyone?" 
Bethany Dillon tackles this issue in today's song.  And the conclusion of the matter is that we ARE enough for at least One.  And it's the One that matters. We are enough for our Creator, the One who knit us together in our Mother's womb, the One who knew our days before they came to be, the One who loves us without conditions.  The One who calls us beautiful. 
Society, and the media, tell us beauty is one thing but God, the Creator of beauty, says it is something completely different.  It begins with your inner life, your heart, and makes it way to the outside.  It isn't air brushed and polished like the magazines would have you believe but it is real. 
Are you enough?  Your Creator says YES.  He says YES you are enough and you are BEAUTIFUL. 



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