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Never Grow Up

We are big fans of Taylor Swift in this house.  A few reasons.  1) She's brilliant.  We watched a docu about her around the time she was prepping for her first headlining tour.  She is so smart.  She designed stage, costumes, everything.  She didn't rely on others to do it, she put the work in herself.  2) She hasn't let the fame get to her head, she has stayed grounded.  As parents, Lanny and I love that about her - she can be a good role model for our girls. 3) She's incredibly talented. Her voice, her guitar skills, her piano playing.  She writes all her own songs, she's GOOD!
This song really, as a parent, catches me.  In the heart that is.  :)  And yes I teared up.  I dare you, as a parent, to watch it and not get at least a little emotional. :)
I've been watching my oldest, who is 13.  Oy.  She's killing me because I remember being 13 myself so how is it that I have a 13 year old?!  My mother is laughing gleefully with thoughts of what she calls "pay backs".  :)  But watching her grow up has made me try to remember her baby and toddler years.  Funny, they get blurry with the passage of time.  That's when I'm so grateful for pictures! 
This song by Taylor is great because it starts off with the older one telling the kid to not grow up (even though it's impossible) and turns into the child themselves saying they wished they had never grown up.  And isn't that the truth?  As an adult I know I wish for the simpler times of childhood, even being a teenager (well maybe not...) but growing up is hard, even still for this 36 year old!  :)  I used to say to the oldest, "Hey who gave you permission to grow up because I didn't!"  And she would reply, with a giggle, "God did Mom." And I would say, "Psh.  Well I need to have a talk with him then." And we would giggle together.  Now at 13 she more rolls her eyes than giggles but I'm still getting hugs and kisses voluntarily so I'll take what I can get while she grows up.  <3
I picked this particular video for today's song because somehow, someway the maker of it got their hands on footage of Taylor as a baby with her Mama.  The whole video is a montage of Taylor young to grown up.  It's good. 

Never Grow Up


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