Today's song has been picked purely because I have to be functioning much earlier than I am used to today and I'm gonna need coffee to get me jump started! ;) Plus Julian Smith is hysterical and this song is VERY funny! I drink my coffee "white" and every morning without fail, as I am doctoring it up, I think briefly of my friend Brandon who in 6th grade (I think?) was already drinking coffee pretty much every morning and one day thought to himself, "What if there's a time when I have coffee but no cream or sugar to put in it? I had better learn to like it black." And so he did. He started drinking it black because of the "what if"! I love that story and if you know Brandon then you love it for the same reasons I do, he cracks me up! So in our coffee relationship Brandon is black and I am white. ;) But we have learned how to get along! Haha! Racist Coffee