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Wellness is a much more holistic issue than losing weight or working out. It involves every single area of our lives. 

Today as I think about wellness I am thinking about water. Water is one of the best ways to promote wellness for each of us. And yes, this definitely relates to the wheel above. Water feeds those areas that are wellness in our lives. For example, our brains:

Water is key for functioning well. It does a lot more for us than keep us hydrated - check out all the ways it keeps us well...

So a key to true physical and mental strength is drinking water - lots of it. And after a night of no intake make sure you start off each day with water, here's a few reasons why:

In developed countries we are fortunate to have access to clean, drinkable water. This is not the case for underdeveloped nations. So in addition to water for your wellness why not help provide water for someone else's wellness? Check out these organizations, for a start, that are dedicated to bringing clean water to people who don't have access. (As always I recommend you do a quick check of org's on Charity Navigator just to make sure they are on the up and up.) Consider donating to one to help bring wellness to others. 

Have a water filled #WellnessWednesday !


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