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Because this is how I look when I take a selfie, I thought I would use #SelfieSaturday as a chance to let you in on some tidbits about me and ask about tidbits of you! A twist on selfies!

So today here's my selfie share...MBTI.
Say what? Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®

Here's your chance to get some insight into my sometimes very contradictory behaviors. But first of all, what's your MBTI? Do you know? If not you can take a free test here (based on MBTI, the real licensed MBTI costs money) and get some info on your type.

In high school I tested as an INFJ (introversion, intuition, feeling, judging). A lot of people change over the years as they get older and life experiences alter things about them. But not me. I am still an INFJ - tried and true. As you get older you are supposed to change and grow so it might seem like staying an INFJ isn't positive but the qualities that make up the personality types are core things - things that we were born with and will die with even if our lives don't necessarily reflect that. So to not change from your core values and beliefs is actually a good thing, not a negative. *wink* Don't get me wrong, changing is not a bad thing. People don't change drastically from their inherent core values. For example, I am right on the line between J and T (thinking) and depending on the day or circumstance I may be more of a "T" in my behaviors etc.

>INFJ's are the rarest type in the world. Yes, the whole wide world. We only make up somewhere between 1-3% of the earth's population. Given how many people are on the planet that's a pretty small number.

>We are the nicest and meanest people you may ever meet. We are the nicest people until someone pushes us too far (we live by loyalty and once betrayed watch out) and then we will cut you out with such coldness you will wonder if we ever cared at all. I can turn ice on someone in a moment and stay chilled toward them forever if need be. Because we are the nicest, we ice people out when betrayed to protect ourselves. We are not just the nicest, we are perhaps the most tenderhearted and get hurt very easily.

>We can empathize in fairly *creepy* ways so we'll pretend we don't feel and know everything we do to protect others.

>We want to know everything about you below the surface but you'll very rarely get beneath our surface. We can read people upon meeting them which sets the course for our relationship with those people - if we read something we don't or can't trust then we will be guarded with you.

>We never feel like we quite belong even in the middle of a group of our closest friends and/or family.

>We are often the one dissenting voice in a crowd and end up being proven correct later on, but this makes us unpopular and increases the insecurity we already feel about not fitting in. Being right isn't as important to us as being heard.

>You might see me smiling and laughing and behaving like an extrovert (I can be a good actor when needed) but my mind is a mess - it's constantly working and thinking and reading people, most often myself.

>We are the hardest on ourselves, so if you think I've been hard on you trust me - I'm 100% harder on myself.

>And finally (although with an INFJ there's never a true 'finally') INFJ's are some of the most famous people in the world - both good and evil. Mother Teresa was an INFJ but so was Hitler. So it's possible we are the most contradictory personality type out there which would lend to being the rarest type.

What's your MBTI? Does it match up to how you see/think about yourself?


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