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Pushing aside the meaningless to get to meaningful

Clutter is the meaningless getting in the way of the meaningful.

I have quite a few framed pictures of people I love around my house.  I happen to have a rather large collection on this counter top that separates our kitchen from our "dining room".  I love those pictures.  I think that they are a representation of what's important to me and my family and that's simply we have people whom we love and whom love us.  (At the end of the day - and life - that's what is going to matter the most but that's a different blog!)  But that counter top is like the bane of our family.  It has become the clutter catch-all.  It's kind of the first surface that is easy to lay stuff down on when you walk through the door.  So it gets cluttered pretty quickly.  Some weeks we keep it fairly cleared and then other weeks...well I'd prefer to just leave it to your imagination.
Here's my point and it goes perfectly with today's quote.  When that counter top gets too cluttered I don't see the pictures that I love any longer.  The clutter gets in the way of those faces that I love and I know love me.  Those faces are very meaningful in my life but the clutter distracts me from them...more often than I'd like.
Sure it's a simple example of how true today's quote is but maybe it got you thinking.  What clutter is in your life (seen or unseen) that is getting in the way of meaningful living?


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