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Beyond religion

Jesus Christ calls men, not to a new religion, but to life.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer

I know of people who will disagree with Bonhoeffer (and me).  That's okay. :)  

You may have heard the oft quoted catch phrase, "It's a relationship not a religion."  Yes that is true in the case of Christianity but quit being so pompous and condescending about it.  That's what trips people up, including other believers!  What I find ironic about the people that quote that the most is they are bound by religion and couldn't recognize relationship if it bit them in the nose!  Please quit talking until your actions and words can match.  Okay, getting off my soapbox now... *grin* On to today's quote for real...

What Jesus introduced was radical and mind blowing to the Jewish people.  He introduced interaction with God.  And when we interact with God we go beyond religion and we enter into relationship, and in this case life.  The call of Jesus is an invitation, he beckons us to a life that will be fulfilled, purpose driven (no not the book), satisfied in an unconditional love.  What a life!  He put flesh on the Law and brought it to life in a way that challenged/challenges the tendencies of humans to love a list and follow the list but have no heart.  He showed us that the Law has a beating heart...for us!  He showed us the life we can have when living the Law out.  And that is what he calls us to, life and relationship, not religion that is cold and heartless (literally).

Don't make the mistake of thinking the Law has nothing to do with Life.  The two are intertwined and cannot be separated   But also do not mistake the Law for religion.  When followed as a list with no heartbeat then it is a religion but followed as Jesus modeled for us, with a heartbeat, it is life abundant.


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