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Lead Me To The Cross

I was first introduced to Chris & Conrad's music through one of my most favorite ever artists, Brooke Fraser!  She authored this song and they picked it up, put it on their first album, made it their first radio play and started holding interviews with radio stations.  It was in an interview with Wally from Total Axxess that I heard Brooke penned it.  Of course she did because she is amazing!  Oh, but this blog today isn't about her, it's about Chris & Conrad. :)
Outside of the fact that a fave artist penned this song, I LOVE how Chris & Conrad sing it.  It quickly became a favorite because it's lyrical content is rich, meaningful, and compelling.  Last spring I was on a personal retreat and in the bookstore of the place I was at there was Chris & Conrad's CD on sale.  I bought it because I love today's song so much I thought I might like others on their album.  WOW!  I love their whole album.  They are two talented guys who love God and use their gifts and talents to worship him.  Their songs verbalize important parts of my heart when it comes to faith.  I'm looking forward to hearing more from them as the years go by, I'm real sure they aren't "one hit wonders"! 
So, because of the song I have to talk about it.  People don't like to look at or think about the cross because of the blood that was spilled there.  But blood was spilled there so you and I could be "dead men walking".  See we are dead in our sins, in our rotten human flesh but we are rescued from those sins by the blood of Jesus spilled out to redeem us.  And so we are walking in victory (when we choose to accept that sacrifice made on our behalf of course).  So really we are dead men walking.  When we really get that, when we really accept that, when we really start to live it out we count everything else as loss.  We are brought to our knees and we are able to walk this life in freedom.  He spilled his blood for YOU.  You may not want to hear that, believe that, accept that.  It doesn't matter, he still did it for YOU.  You have a choice - you can continue to live your life ignoring that gift or you can choose to accept it and begin to live life in freedom.  What I do know is this - at some point in our lives we all find ourselves at the foot of the cross.  Wondering what this all means?  Contact me, I'm happy to talk with you about it. 

Lead Me To The Cross (Acoustic)
Lead Me To The Cross (Studio)
Lead Me To The Cross (Brooke Fraser's version)


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