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For Friday, May 13: Locked Away

I really considered doing the Friday the 13th theme song for today's song but it creeps me out too much to even look it up on YouTube so that idea got nixed pretty much right away! 

For some reason today's artist, Eowyn, landed on my idea list for this blog-experiment.  I can only surmise that I heard one of her songs on a Pandora playlist, liked it and added her name to the list of artists to feature!  Too bad I also didn't jot down the name of the song that caught my attention... :)
So I picked one.  It's one of Eowyn's older songs, from 2006 or thereabouts.  She couldn't be more different than yesterday's featured artist!  Eowyn belongs on a playlist with Skillet, Fireflight, etc - definitely not on a playlist with Brooke Fraser, Ingrid Michaelson, etc.  So she's proving to me, and you, that my tastes kind of run from one end of the music spectrum to the other! 
I like Eowyn.  I have no idea how to pronounce her name but I like her!  She's got depth in her lyrics and as an artist.  This particular song is about freedom.  We allow the past to chain us and prevent us from living in the present and moving into the future.  There is only One who can break us from our chains and free us from the cell we allowed ourselves to be placed in.  That One is Jesus Christ (you probably knew I was going to say that right?).  There's a line she sings in the song, "Without You I've morphed into a lesser me."  Wow.  Love that line.  Without the One who created us and fashioned us we are merely a reproduction of the real thing. 

Locked Away


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