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Today I would like to highlight some organizations that help to feed the hungry all over the world. There are many organizations out there dedicated to helping end hunger both on a local, national, and global level. (I always recommend you use Charity Navigator to check into the financial stability of any organization you think you want to partner with.)

A few years ago my family and I got an opportunity to help feed hungry children and their families around the world. It was a super fun and impactful experience. We partnered with Feed My Starving Children and attended a mobile pack event. What's that? It's an event where communities are invited to help feed the hungry by assembling specialized food packs that are designed to provide complete nutrition. Sterilized stations are set up that have the ingredients and measuring tools needed. On "go" teams work as fast, but as accurately, as possible to assemble a suggested number of meals in one hours time. You can learn more about these nutritious food packs by clicking here. It's a really fun event - loud music plays and everyone - strangers in some cases - work together to help make a difference. My family and I are big fans of this particular organization. But they aren't the only ones doing something to help feed the poor worldwide. Here's a list of some others you can look into. What I love about Feed My Starving Children is the opportunity to do something besides just swiping my debit card and selecting an amount to donate. I like to put my hands - and my heart - to it as well. It makes it, in my opinion, more impactful.

Addressing hunger is the first step to addressing so many other problems. Nobody, a child or adult, can learn if the hunger pains are evident. That means they cannot pay attention in school - if they are fortunate enough to get to go - or pay attention learning a trade to earn their own income. No education, no ability to earn income leads to an inability to bring in food for sustenance or shelter for protection. Lack of these will most certainly lead to death. So addressing hunger not only can save a physical life but the life of a culture.

Today, for #FeedTheHungryFriday , consider joining in the work of feeding the hungry around the world.


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