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Let's talk about style. Not current fashion but those fashions we sported back in our younger days. You know those days - when we thought we looked G.O.O.D. *wink* 

In the spirit of the day here's a few photos of my stellar fashion sense back in my day. 

August 1983 - I LOVED this dress, I wore it a lot and I thought I was quite the cutie in it! 

I'm not just outing my fashion sense today but my brother's as well - look at his shorts and socks! Hahaha! And then there's me. I remember this outfit very well - I put a lot of thought into it. I was definately going through a pink phase - you can't see it here obviously but my entire bedroom was pink walls - as in bubblegum pink - along with white wallpaper that had pink hearts on it. This was in July 1986. 

Huh. I just noticed that with the posting of this picture and the two above there's a lot of pink. I must have liked it much more than I thought. To be fair this sweater I'm wearing in September of 1987 was actually coral. I adored this sweater, I wore it as much as I could get away with and I thought I was extremely stylish pairing it with my stonewashed jeans and - even though you can't really see it in the picture - my stonewashed denim purse. It was the days of stonewashed denim. 

In October of 1987 I was apparently very proud of this look I was walking out the door sporting. But I'm all one color! Brown and beige from top to bottom...oh dear. 

My family falls prey to my disclosure again. Here's what is a little funny about my outfit in this picture - it's my Mom's! And as my Mama and I were looking through lots of pictures searching for my stellar fashion sense we noticed in a number of pictures I was caught wearing my mother's clothes! Btw, can you see the skirt pockets through the skirt? After the fact I noticed that skirt was fairly see through. 😳

See the sweater I'm wearing? I loved it! I thought it was so clever and stylish - the colors, the geometric shapes, the black/white background for the shapes. I wore this sweater a lot. Also, I'll further expose myself - I am standing on a ski hill - probably the bunny hill or the edge of the ski slopes - but do not for one second think I actually skied...or ever have. I have never even put on a ski boot! I am better suited to saving *you all* warm seats in the lodge. Ha!

Okay, one last #ThrowbackThursday picture. This is May 1991. My shiny, PINK AGAIN!, formal with its matching shoes was for my Junior Banquet (the Christian school's substitute for Prom). I also had a strand of very fake pearls the same color of the dress and shoes. Basically I could have been going to a Halloween Costume Party as a Pepto Bismol Girl, ha! 


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