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of or prompted by feelings of tenderness, sadness, or nostalgia.

The smell of toast - perfect or slightly charred - is what I'm thinking about today for #SentimentalSunday .

I must have smelled toast just enough times during my growing up years at my Grandma and Grandpa Wells house that it became one of the memories for them. Without fail when I smell toast I am transported back in time to waking up in my grandparents house and the smell of toast in the air. I can close my eyes and see their kitchen, see the table with butter - strawberry and grape jellies - and bread on it with the toaster still warm. I can see the butter with toasted bread crumbs decorating it's edges. I can hear the scrape of the knife on the toast as it spreads the butter and jelly. It comforts me, makes me feel all warm and cozy and young again.

So to toast sentimental sunday I'll be having...toast. *wink*

*Next Sunday I introduce a new hashtag and I thought you might like a heads up. While the weather is still decent (hopefully) here's your sneak peek: It's all about our neighbors. Take this next week to do the following: identify at least 2 families/people that would be blessed to have some work done on the inside or outside of their home by a bunch of people - get their permission to invade their home and find out 2-4 tasks they need done, ask family & friends to participate in a day of service to these people you have identified - if there's enough people, form teams. Based on tasks mentioned gather necessary supplies, tools, resources.

Wondering what I'm up to? Here's a real-life story (and don't let the strong faith components *scare* you away, this is about loving our neighbors - that's it):

“You would do that?” came the awe-filled question.  And then, with tears framing the next words, “There are not words for this kind of love.”

I had just had the honor of approaching a couple in our Body with an offer to priceless to refuse.  We were offering to “wash the feet” of a couple who washes the feet of so many in our congregation.  At first there was hesitation.  After all, it is much more comfortable to wash others feet than to be humbled by baring ours for a soak.  But the gift was from God and nobody can refuse that.  

We showed up on a bright, sunny Saturday morning.  Armed with cleaning supplies, groceries, and oh yes…lots of doughnuts!  First order of business…fellowship.  Foot washing is more than just fulfilling a practical need, it’s about filling a spiritual need ~ the community that the book of Acts speaks of.  

And then we went to work.  And here’s the thing, it didn’t even feel like work.  It was just a group of friends laughing, talking, and serving this precious couple.  The day flew by and before we knew it we were cleaning up and sitting down to lunch for more fellowship.  It was a great day.  

In the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his death he did something that caused quite a stir.  He took on the position of a servant and washed the feet of his men.  Peter, the bold and brutally honest one of the bunch, at first balked at the very idea of his Lord washing his feet.  In John 13 we see the scene played out and I imagine that Peter, in an awe-struck tone, asked Jesus, “Lord, are you washing my feet?” (verse 6) and when Jesus replied in the affirmative I wonder if it wasn’t tears that framed Peter’s next words, “You shall never wash my feet!” (verse 8)  This account gives me a lot of lessons to chew on and God has been gracious to show them to me little by little.  If he taught them all to me at once I might explode from sensory overload!  Any of us would.

The idea of washing feet is a fairly foreign concept to us today but I believe God is sparking the desire afresh in the hearts of his people.  And with that spark a challenge is born.  Will we heed the call of God to be the Body to the Body?  Will we quit talking about it and actually do it?  See, we can’t go out into the world to minister if we first don’t minister to our own the way God desires.  We’ve drawn the circle around ourselves and the change begins with those in the circle.  

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:42-47


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