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January 3, 2015

Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
A History of Cherry Cordials/Chocolate Covered Cherries
Amish Chocolate Covered Cherries
The Most Famous Brand of Chocolate Covered Cherries: Cella's Chocolate Covered Cherries
I have never liked chocolate covered cherries.  I like cherries, chocolate periodically, but the two of them in the mixture that makes up chocolate covered cherries?  Nope.  And then I figured out why I don't really like them.  1) The liquid is gross, in my opinion.  It's so sugary and the texture of it is not appealing to me. But more than that, 2) maraschino cherries.  Most chocolate covered cherries are made with this kind of cherry. I just can't. Have you heard about this kind of cherry?  Let me enlighten you a bit...
Here's the origin of the maraschino cherries
Behold The Horrifying Way Maraschino Cherries Are Made
BUT there are some options if you've got to have maraschino cherries for your sundaes and cocktails.
If you aren't up for making your own then Tillen Farms Maraschino Cherries might be what you want.
But if you want to make your own then here's a recipe to follow (it uses alcohol) and here's another one that is an alcohol free recipe.

Fruitcake Toss Day
Ah, the fruitcake. I've personally never had it as it has always looked rather unappetizing to me.  And while I'm not alone in that opinion, fruitcake still shows up on shelves every Christmas season.
Where do you stand in regards to fruitcake?  If you got some for this past holiday season and aren't quite sure what to do with it, today there's a suggestion that you make it a game and toss that thing!
If you happen to like fruitcake and want to make your own, try this recipe.
Fruitcake: Holiday staple, science marvel
Fruit Cake: Why It Tastes So Bad

Drinking Straws Day
The Amazing History and the Strange Invention of the Bendy Straw
I love straws!  I'm up for drinking everything today through a straw, even my morning coffee!

Festival of Sleep Day
YES! Today happens to be Saturday, so I can - you can - sleep as much as you want.
Do we really need any explanation or tips on how to celebrate this day?  I didn't think so.  *wink*
Did the holidays wear you out? Get some rest and some zzzz's today.
Speaking of zzzz's... how did the letter Z become to be associated with sleeping/snoring?

Humiliation Day
Let's discuss, shall we?  What is humiliation? The forms it takes, the consequences of it, the opposite of humiliation, the paradox of it. 
Humiliating others is NOT okay, being humiliated is NOT okay.
Today is about awareness. What can we each do to make sure we treat others with respect and we are treated with respect?
Public Shaming of Kids = NOT OK


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