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January 21, 2015

National Hugging Day
10 Reasons Why We Need at Least 8 Hugs a Day
7 Reasons Why We Should Be Giving More Hugs
I have a couple of friends who don't like hugs.  In fact, this little cartoon perfectly describes them:

But even those friends will search me, and others, out for a hug every now and then.  Hugs are part of a relational life.  Even my friends who don't like them need the benefits that hugs provide from time to time.
I am okay with hugs. Mostly women and children, a few men outside of the ones I am married to or related to.  The men I do hug that I'm not related to by marriage or blood are men that I feel safe with and/or that I know my hug wouldn't be misinterpreted by anyone, including them.  That man-woman thing gets tricky.  :)

Once I learned this fact about hugs,

I started trying to hang on to my recipients a little longer. Do you know how long 20 seconds is?!  A long time and in our culture it causes a bit of discomfort so I warn people ahead of time! :)
Some days you just need a hug, heart to heart and long enough to release those health benefits. Today is hug day, don't hold back!  :)

And for those of you my arms are aching to get around but distance makes that impossible?  Here's the way I like to virtually hug: {{{hugs}}} or a version of that.  This will also work...

Squirrel Appreciation Day
National Geographic: Squirrels
5 Surprising Facts About Squirrels (Hint: They Make Jerky)

In the summer of 2007 a group of people I now refer to as "the fam" and I traveled to Kenya together. One of our peeps is a teacher and she taught us all this little 'nursery rhyme':
(Put hands together near chest like a squirrel and bend with each line)
Brown squirrel
Brown squirrel
Shake your bushy tail

Brown squirrel
Brown squirrel
Shake your bushy tail

Put a peanut in your hand (pretend to put something in your hand)
And shove it up your nose (pretend to shove that thing in your nose)

So now whenever I think of squirrels I think of brown squirrell.  :)

7 Ways to Celebrate National Squirrel Appreciation Day
Nutty Ways to Celebrate Squirrel Appreciation Day This Year

Granola Bar Day
The Origin of Granola and its bars
Make your own:  Healthy 5-Ingredient Granola Bars23 Delicious DIY Granola Bar Recipes


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