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January 2, 2015

National Run it up the Flagpole and See if Anyone Salutes Day
What a weird holiday.  Even the explanation of the day doesn't make much sense to me.  Maybe I'm too Type A to "get it."  *grin*

Buffet Day
The Origin and History of Buffet Meals

Overeating, high levels of sodium, risky contaminants, unclear food prep - just some of the reasons why going to a buffet is not a good idea.  Why not make your own buffet at home and invite some friends over?  Have a baked potato bar, a salad bar, and a few selections of desserts.

Personal Trainer Awareness Day
A few years ago a bestie gave me the gift of a personal trainer for 12 weeks (I think). It was awesome. Then the hub and I figured out a way to pay for me to go for a longer period of time. It was awesome. And my personal trainers were legit.  They went to school for years, studied nutrition as well as kinesiology and exercise science.  No online certifications for them.  WORTH EVERY PENNY I spent as long as I could.  I was bummed when I couldn't go any longer.  They had taught all I really needed to know but the benefit of them, not related to me, holding me accountable was invaluable.  Proof of that is the downward spiral I have taken since we could no longer afford for me to continue going.  I miss them.
Do you have a personal trainer? Do you want to be one? Today is the day to move in that direction if it's something you've been thinking about.  If you can afford a personal trainer, great! Make sure you inquire about education, experience, and philosophy.  If you have been considering becoming a personal trainer take the time explore what school education will do for you in the long run rather than the online certification courses most trainers have done.  With education in nutrition, kinesiology, and exercise science you will be much more employable at many more places.

Science Fiction Day
What's the official definition of science fiction? 
So, it's not really my genre EXCEPT I do love the first 3 Star Wars Movies (you know which ones I mean right? The good ones! Just say no to Jar Jar Binks! Worst character ever.) and then a good friend convinced me to watch Firefly and I LOVED it!
The Website for tried and true science fiction fans
Today feel free to indulge in your favorite sci-fi whether that be movies, TV shows, or books!

Cream Puffs Day
The History of the Profiterole
Cream Puffs Recipe
But if you don't have time to make your own go to a local bakery and get some to enjoy today!
(That's what I'll be doing, I have no time this week!)

Happy Mew Year for Cats
I'm allergic to cats, much to my youngest daughters dismay.
We have no cats so we won't be participating in this holiday but if you have a cat this is your day to celebrate the new year with them.


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