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Day 281: The Last Day of School

(For Tuesday June 3)

I know.  Come August I'm going to be saying I am grateful for the first day of school but this is June and to say I am grateful that today is the last day of school is an understatement. It's been a long, kinda rough school year and we just need a break!  So I'm grateful it's the last day of school - it means we made it through, we survived, we passed (I hope!), and we can relax a little for a few weeks.  Every school year it's like this.  I start off the year determined to stay on top of communications from the school, be in touch with the kids about their various projects, be - you know - an involved parent and then the school year eats away at me. I'm guessing more than a few of you can relate. So today I am beyond grateful it is the last day of school.

At the start of the school year

At the end of the school year


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