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All talk and no action isn't respectable

Denouncing evil is a far cry from doing good.  Philip Gourevitch

Denounce your atrocity of choice all you want but unless I see you doing something to aid in relieving it I'm not going to do much listening.  Sometimes actual aid isn't possible at the moment but the crazy thing about this world we live in is that something can always be done.  Maybe you are the one to start the doing instead of so much talking.  Or maybe you just need to do a little more research and find the person/organization who is already acting on it and join them.  Once our eyes are opened to something we then carry a responsibility to act on it in some way.  And the ways in which we act on it will be different for each person.  Whatever you are compelled or prompted to do...DO.  Don't shrink back, don't second guess, don't hesitate, DO.  (Be wise about it though.  If it's an organization you find to align yourself with then research them and make sure they are legit.  Go here to check into organizations a little more.)  Maybe an organization isn't required or necessary but just action on your part.  For example, don't just murmur about how sad it is to see the homeless people - do something.  Roll down your window and give them a $5 MickeyD's card or a blessing bag (message me for more about those).  Do something but don't just talk about it.  Extend yourself beyond your, perhaps, puffed up words.  A strange thing happens when we begin to talk less about the evil in this world and do more, we begin to see change take place.  Huh.  Strange how that works.  :)  

Need some ideas to get you started?  Here's a few organizations, top rated by Charity Navigator, who are giving people opportunities to participate in doing more than talking.  
Blood:Water Mission
Cure International
Compassion International
World Relief
Feed My Starving Children
Those are just a few to get you started on a global action level.  There's more where those came from!
In your local community, DO.  Serve at a homeless shelter, participate in food drives/coat drives/etc, be prepared in small ways to provide a meal or warm things for homeless people (see above for my MickeyD's card reference etc), there are needs in your local community - don't just shake your head and talk about them, go and DO.


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