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For Sunday, January 27: We're both okay!

Leave an extrovert alone for two minutes and he will reach for his cell phone. In contrast, after an hour or two of being socially “on,” we introverts need to turn off and recharge. My own formula is roughly two hours alone for every hour of socializing. This isn’t antisocial. It isn’t a sign of depression. It does not call for medication. For introverts, to be alone with our thoughts is as restorative as sleeping, as nourishing as eating. Our motto: “I’m okay, you’re okay—in small doses."  Jonathan Rauch

More thoughts on introverts versus extroverts that I relate to!  Rauch's formula is just about right for me as well.  And prior to socializing I have to be alone and kind of ready myself to be social.  So I have to do a charge and then a recharge!  While I like people I just really like being by myself.  I love my home because it is a sanctuary for me.  I love putzing around in it, holing up in it, being in it.  This can cause problems so I force myself to leave it from time to time.  *grin*  If I had my way I would probably remain within its four walls much longer than is healthy.  So that's why having a job (which ironically requires me to be social - I'm the front desk!), having a community that needs my participation, and having extroverted friends is good for me.  It's good that things like that get me outside of the four walls I love to hole up in.  My husband and redheads for the past couple of years have given me an entire day almost every week.  Each Sunday they leave around 9 am and don't get home until about 6 pm.  I have all those hours TO MYSELF!  Some weeks I recharge.  Some weeks I'm catching up on life.  Some weeks I spend part of those hours with a friend.  Most weeks I prefer to be alone as much as possible.  I don't even engage much on social media those days.  I sometimes, okay usually, ignore my phone.  I unplug as much as possible.  It's usually how I can get through the work week.  And it's always pretty obvious to me when I don't recharge enough on those Sundays.  I'm pretty out of sorts the rest of the week because I have to be that outgoing introvert that I am and it drains me.  So while an extrovert is probably shuddering reading about all this time alone that I love, introverts are nodding their heads in agreement.  And you know what?  Both are okay.  Like today's quote ends: "I'm okay, you're okay - in small doses."  :)  


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