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The jump is so frightening between where I am and where I want to be...because of all I may become I will close my eyes and leap!  Mary Anne Radmacher

I love the visual this quote from Radmacher (a favorite quote master of mine in case you hadn't noticed) brings up in my mind.
In my mind I see myself standing at the edge of a cliff called "You are here" and a mere five or so feet away is the cliff called "Where you want to be" and all I have to do is one giant leap.  Except I've been standing on the edge of cliff "You are here" for a long time, too long really.  I toe it, I've walked along it, I've peered down over the edge of it, I've tested if I have to leap to make it to other side or if I could just stretch myself and make it across, I've even looked around for materials to build a bridge over to the other side.  But there is no way to get over to "Where you want to be" unless I leap. I'm going to have to jump.  But I'm so scared.  My heart is pounding, my hands are clammy, my mouth is dry, my legs feel like jelly.  I can't do it.  But I have to do it.  If I'm ever going to get to "Where you want to be"  I'm going to have to find some courage and jump.
The five feet or so between where I'm at and where I want to be is frightening.  It's frightening because it is unknown.  Is the actual jump more frightening than what the other side holds for me?  I'm not sure.  I'm not sure what is so frightening but if I stay over on the side where I'm at I will end up being an underdeveloped, stagnant human being.  In order to grown and become more of who I am I must jump and risk entering into the unknown.  Maybe you can relate.
Okay.  Here I go.  I think if I close my eyes it will be better.  So I'm squeezing my eyes shut tight and here...I...go...JUMP!  


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