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It's Election Day

About political parties:  "It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which finds a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions. Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another." George Washington

I don't talk politics.  There's a few reasons why but that's not the point of today's quote.  I found today's quote to be interesting.  I read it a few months back on a friends FB page.  And after reading it through several times I can say I agree with Washington.  If you step back from the political party you align yourself with and read today's quote thoroughly you may agree as well.  Or not and that's okay.  
Every single sentence of the above quote could be picked apart and discussed separately.  I don't want this to be a long drawn out blog so I don't think I am going to do that today but I do want to briefly look at a couple of general points.
Political parties no longer really represent the people, in my opinion.  What they do is cause division, pompous behavior, condescending attitudes, character assassinations, and bad blood between people.  And what all this does is serve as an obstacle to running our nation with a clear mind and a pure motive - one that is truly concerned for all the citizens, not just the ones who are seen.  Our unseen citizens are not being taking care of in this nation and part of that is due to the distraction of political party fights.  
Political parties have led to our community being "agitated" and that's an understatement as I see it.  We are more than agitated; we are angry at one another, we are inappropriately vocal about our stances, we even get physical over politics.  We risk family relationships and friendships over politics.  WTH?  Is any relationship in your life really worth letting go over politics?  At the end of your life, on your deathbed, what do you want to be surrounding you?  People who love you or a donkey or elephant?  C'mon.  Let's start thinking a little more clearly.  
Political party fighting leaves our nation vulnerable to attack from other countries.  They are watching us and don't think they won't take advantage of us being distracted by our in-fighting.  They will take any opening they can find to "disarm" our power.  We are quickly losing our status as the most powerful nation in the world and I believe a lot of it is due to our political party disagreements.  We have lost our unity and the world has noticed and is taking advantage of that.  
So there's my thoughts.  It's probably the most you will ever hear me say about politics. 
And for the record, I know everyone in my life thinks they know exactly who I am casting my vote for.  They think they know based on assumptions about my past votes or based on general FB status' or based on faith beliefs or based on how I look or whatever.  I take great delight in the fact that I can say that nobody, except for my husband, can assume they know who I voted for.  I do believe I would surprise you all.  And even with that statement some people might think they now know who I voted for and to them I would say, I do believe I would surprise you as well.  *grin*
Go vote today.  Insert your voice into the decision.  It does matter, whether you think so or not.  It is a duty and privilege the citizens of this nation are granted.   Don't throw away that gift of freedom.  Even if your side doesn't win let your voice be part of that decision.  
And with that I'm done talking politics.  :)  


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