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Giving credit due

May we be consumed with the Creator of all things rather than with things created.  Unknown

I've been thinking about this lately.  We see beautiful places (I even have a board on Pinterest called "Beautiful Places" and it is pictures of places I've been or not that are beautiful in this world) or something in nature captivates us, inspires us, moves us.  And we gush about it.  Some of us believe all of this came to be out of basically nothing - like poof!  It all just appeared and formed one day.  Others of us believe there is a Creator behind it all - he fashioned it and put it in its places.  And yet still others of us don't really know what to believe, we just know we appreciate it and are even awed by it. You can probably guess which of the "other of us" I am :)  and here's a simple explanation as to why.
Beautiful things can't and don't create themselves.  Inspiring things can't and don't create themselves.  And while I can gasp and be astonished with the beauty I see, I have to acknowledge that someone created it.  It's like a beautiful painting.  It didn't, couldn't just appear - someone created it.  Perhaps my reasoning is to ignorant or simplistic for *you*.  That's okay, I'm not here to debate.  I'm not here to change anyone's mind or for mine to be changed.  That's just my take on it.
What today's quote reminds me of is two things:
1)  What astonishes me was designed by the same Creator who knit me together.  Whoa.  He is an artist on all levels, works wonders with all mediums and for that deserves the credit for his work.  Often in the art world people admire brilliant works of art but their credit always goes to the artist not the piece of art itself.  Same should hold true for the ultimate works of creation fashioned by God.
2)  I've heard many people say they are atheists and use science as one of their reasons why.  From my perspective they aren't true atheists because they do have a "god".  Their god is science because they worship it.  And anything we choose to worship holds the role of god in our lives.  This is an example of being consumed with the created rather than the Creator.  So close but yet so far away.  It takes a lot more faith to believe something just kind of appeared rather than the faith it takes to believe that there is an master Creator.  But again, that's my opinion.
If you are awed by created things have you given credit where credit is due?


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