I may wonder what kind of mission God has for me, when I should ask what kind of me God wants for his mission. Christopher J.H. Wright So often it isn't the mission that is God's focus as much as it is the people he's called to it. God knows when each of us are ready for the mission he has in mind. Problem is we want to push up that timeline - we focus too much on the mission and not enough, or at all, on the inner man. What do I mean by that? I mean that in order to set our hands and feet to the missions of God we have to have a healthy inner man. We have to have integrity in our personal and work lives, we have to know when to speak and when to be quiet, we have to have an awareness of the culture we are in, etc. I think you probably see what I am getting at. The beauty of God is that he allows us opportunities to participate in his missions at all stages of our inner man development. He doesn't say that we have to be "100%...