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Logging some extra miles

Go the extra mile, it's never crowded.  Unknown

We live in an unfortunate time.  Why in the world would I say that with all the technology we have, with all the advances we can take advantage of?  I say that because we are living in an age of entitlement.  One in which we somehow believe, and therefore behave, as if we are "owed" and don't have to put some sweat equity into anything.  Newsflash: you aren't "owed" anything.  There are no "dues" to collect.  This is one of the biggest obstacles our children are facing today.  They are being raised, by and large, with no work ethic, no morals, no sense of duty to family or even self.  A friend last night was telling me of these kids who work in their shop and don't know how to mop a floor or wipe a table...FOR REAL.  She also told of another teenager, upon finding out who her boss was (my friend's husband), cursed at him and told him he didn't have the right to tell her what to do.  UH.  Excuse me?  It is an unfortunate time we live in.  
Because "we" feel entitled we aren't willing to work for what we need and/or want.  We think it should just be handed to us.  So we won't go the extra mile because we aren't even covering the distance it takes to just get to the end!  
My encouragement is two-fold.  One, go the extra mile yourself and set an example for others, including any children/teenagers that may be watching you (and you don't have to have your own children to be watched - they are watching everyone!).  What does going the extra mile look like?  Here's a simple example but you all are smart so I know you'll be able to translate it to other things.  :)  Let's say I'm asked to do the dishes in the kitchen.  It's all I'm asked, and expected, to do.  But I notice while doing dishes that the counter tops and stove top really need some attention. I wasn't asked to do those and if I do the dishes only then I am fulfilling the request.  But if I want to honor the person, the space, the request and go the extra mile I will take the time and clean off those counter tops and the stove top.  See?  Simple example, profound meaning.  Two, for the sake of society and your child's character and your family dynamic teach your children how to go the extra mile.  Translate it for them at each age and help them grow into adults who don't believe they are entitled but believe in sweat equity.  Please, I beg of you - society begs of you - do this as a favor to your child first and foremost and then to the rest of us.  But remember they won't do it if they don't see you doing it first!  We are their models.

Bonus reads!  Here's two short and great articles I've come across on Pinterest about this very topic.  I highly recommend reading them!  
Life Skills Ages 2-18
The New Problem of Entitlement


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