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Trust and Obey

When I was a kid in Sunday School I only remember singing the chorus to this song, I am sure in "big people" service I sang all the words but all that sticks with me is the chorus.  And really the chorus is the key part of the hymn to keep in mind and heart.
"Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey."
In the almost 37 years of life that I have lived so far I find this to be more true than I ever thought.  When I have chosen to trust Jesus and to obey him then I have lived in true happiness.  And the happiness that comes from Jesus is really joy.  And joy is strong.  It is much stronger than happy feelings, it goes beyond the surface moment and lives deep.  We kick against the fact that we can only trust God, that he is the only one who we should give obedience to. We want it to be about us when at the end of anything it is always only about him.  Some of the biggest offenders of trusting and obeying God sit in church once a week and say they believe in him.  Yet when the rubber meets the road and God asks hard things of them, when he asks them to trust and obey - usually without an explanation or sight unseen - they cannot and they offend the God they say they follow.  Faith in Christ is a daily exercise in trust and obedience, oftentimes blindly.  But if we can trust and obey then we will see that it is the ONLY way to walk in joy with our Creator.

Trust and Obey - Big Daddy Weave
Trust and Obey - Some church choir doing it acapella


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