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Our God, He Is Alive

So here's a story for you that does have to do with today's hymn. 
Many moons ago my hub was a long haired, drug dealin', drinking, porn addicted womanizer. For real.  And a girl caught his eye one day so he asked her out.  She said yes.  She happened to be a PK (Preacher's Kid).  He picked her up in his loud Mustang and her dad, Joe, about had a fit.  But she had some morals and wouldn't let my hub touch her so he thought maybe if he went to church with her and pretended to be interested in that "stuff" that he might get somewhere with her.  So he a Church of Christ.  Now if you know anything about denom's you know that CoC's aren't real welcoming to long haired, drug dealin', drinking, porn addicted womanizers BUT he was with the PK so a miracle sort of happened.  They welcomed him.  I believe some of them even made eye contact with him! :) And he kept coming to church and one day he was reading a Bible they had given him and he saw, he understood the gift of life Jesus was offering him through what he accomplished on the cross and through Resurrection.  He called up Joe and asked some questions and Joe's daughter's boyfriend - the long haired, drug dealin', drinking, porn addicted womanizer - became a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.  He kept his long hair but he started the journey of ceasing to deal drugs (that may have been the easiest one for him to stop doing), drinking, engaging in porn (this was by far the HARDEST one to cease), and womanizing.  He and the PK didn't make it as a couple but he kept coming back to this CoC that broke the mold and took him in and they kept loving on him.  They prayed over him, they fed him, they housed him, they co-signed on a car for him and they let him know that regardless of his "before" life they adored him.  They still do to this day btw.  In CoC's one of their rules (?) is that no music is played within the sanctuary, it is all acapella.  They base that on a couple of scriptures that I really don't want to go into right now but just imagine my bass playing (oh yeah I didn't mention that in his "before" description) heavy metal hub singing acapella on Sunday was a tough deal.  One of his favorite hymns that the CoC sang, but doesn't appear in my Baptist hymnal, thus shooting holes in my thought that all hymnals are the same, is today's hymn.  He sings it A LOT around our house and at times when he's trying to make fun of me for something (does that count for blasphemy anyone?  anyone? GRIN).  But he truly does love this hymn so I decided for today I'd feature it. 
I love my husband, he has an amazing life story so if you ever need to talk to someone who knows what amazing grace is - he's your man.  As you can tell from his "before" description he's been through a lot, he's worked through a lot and he's seen God come through on his behalf more times than he can count!  

Our God, He Is Alive - at what I am presuming to be a Church of Christ Summer Camp kind of thing. 
Our God, He Is Alive - Westside CoC rockin' out...just kidding.  Lanny says his congregation sang the hymn about 2 times (at least) faster than this but you get the idea. 

P.S. Today is the 300th day of this experiment!  65 more days to go!  WOOT!! 


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