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For Sunday, January 16: I Am Not Skilled To Understand/My Savior My God

You know what I love about the hymns?  They are timeless, they cross the borders of generations and their message remains the same.  Nothing alters the truth of God and what he does and has done for us. 
The older I get, perhaps I have said this before?, the more I appreciate the hymns and the message of them.  I get it!  Back in the day I just thought they were meant to torture us.  I mean who wants to sing 12 verses of some song accompanied only by a pipe organ?!?  I'm just sayin'.  :) So while some people have become critics about the modernization of hymns I for the most part appreciate it!  Anyway, that is a rabbit trail I don't feel like journeying along right now. 
Love this hymn because we AREN'T skilled to understand.  So many think they should and do understand but I have seen from my own life and talking with others that the more we think we understand the more we see we don't!  Face it, God is a mystery.  But he is a mystery to be enjoyed and embraced not one that is frightening and life threatening.  I once heard of someone say they knew as much as God.  Whoa.  That person is very mistaken.  We simply aren't skilled to understand what God does.  If we did we would most likely explode from all that we learn!  God knows that as humans we are wired to search out meaning, purpose, truth, etc.  So he gives us a long life to search those things out, we simply aren't skilled to come into knowledge of it all at once.  Explosion remember?  :)  Does it drive you nuts that you don't or can't understand more of God and the mystery of him?  BREATHE.  And then embrace him for who you understand him to be right now and just let him reveal as time goes on.  Enjoy the journey!

I Am Not Skilled To Understand
My Savior My God (Aaron Shust's modernization of the hymn)


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