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While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night

I love this song because of the reality of the night of the Savior's birth.  Nobody was waiting around with bated breath for the momentous occasion.  Nobody even knew what was happening!  There wasn't some big announcement of impending birth like I am assuming there will be when Prince William and Princess Kate have their first child.  In fact, nobody cared or wondered or knew the impact of a newborns presence on the world. 

I like to imagine the Shepherds all drowsy, smelly, and dirty hanging out and being blasted alert by a bright light (maybe), a loud voice (most likely), and an announcement that their lives were literally just changed forever with the birth of a baby. 

God most often shows up and speaks to us when we are about the business that he has set before us to do.  The Shepherds were watching their flocks, going back a little further - Rebecca was watering her camels and out of that she gained a husband.  Go figure.  When we are being diligent to do what is set before us to do, when we do it with a heart of gratitude for the provision, when we do it because we are being responsible is when I see God show up and speak.  There is an honor for those who don't grandstand, hog the spotlight, seek out attention, or try to be at the head of the crowd. 

While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (Libera Boys Choir)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (4 man group with a ASL interpreter)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (Kids and you have GOT to listen to this one!!)
While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night (Connie Smith)


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