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March 8, 2015

Be Nasty Day
This is another "holiday" that I'm not sure should be observed.  There's no benefit or even pleasure to being nasty to others.  You will lose friends, family, and even who you really are by being nasty. Let's say today is opposite today - try being perfectly pleasant today!

International (Working) Women's Day / Women's Day
Today is really International Women's Day, I'm not sure why the "working" is thrown in there because I don't know very many women who don't work!
Here's the history behind this day.
3 Things to Remember About Feminism
Feminism Today, a 9 minute video
What The Hell Does Feminism Mean Today Anyway?
What is feminism?  A misunderstood word that really means gender equality. It got a bad rap back in the day because some over eager women, who misunderstood the true purpose of feminism, made it about man hating and lording over men.  It's not about hating men or asserting ourselves as superior over them.  It is about equality, nothing more and certainly nothing less.  So am I a "feminist?"  Yes, and you should be to. We can move from the word feminism, which I consider to be a beta version, to gender equality - a much more accurate term to describe what it is.
A TED talk for men about feminism. But if you are a woman? Go ahead and watch it also!
Feminism: The Men Arrive! (Hooray! Uh-Oh!)
Why Women Stay Quiet at Work

Peanut Cluster Day
Make your own
Or try these Caramel Filled Peanut Clusters or these Chocolate-Butterscotch Peanut Clusters

Proof Reading Day
How to Proofread
Common proofreading symbols and abbreviations
Why Is Proofreading Important?

Check Your Batteries Day
Without fail every time the batteries die in our smoke detectors it is about 2 am. Oh it makes me INSANE and very angry.  Dumb things beep and beep at annoying intervals until my hub tracks down the one with failing batteries by changing all the batteries in every single one,  By the way, Murphy's Law strikes - it's always the last one he checks and changes.
So today I'm going to have him change out all the batteries in our smoke detectors because I'm trying to outsmart Murphy's Law.  I'll check the batteries in other things.
Ellen feels me - we are kindred spirits in this...

As are Phoebe and I...


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