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March 2, 2015

Old Stuff Day
There are so many ways to observe this day. Reminisce, declutter, learn, maybe make a time capsule so in the future someone can open it on their old stuff day!
19 Amazing Time Capsules Still Underground (And What's Inside Them)
Making a Family Time Capsule
Time Capsule Ideas
How Much Is Your Old Stuff Worth?
25 New Ways to Use Your Old Stuff
50 Things Only People Over 50 Understand (except I am a long ways from 50 and I understand most of these!)

Fun Facts About Names Day
My hub and I are big into meaning of names. Here's the meaning of my family names:
Lanny, 'famous land' (seriously! that is the meaning of his name, weird huh?) Joe, 'God will add'
Beth, 'house of God' (in Hebrew, derived from Bethel) Ann, 'grace'
Mikaela, 'who is like God' (in Hebrew) and 'one who is fiery' (in Gaelic) Renee, 'born again' (in Hebrew) and 'one who is reborn' (in French)
Eliana, 'God has answered my prayers' or 'Our prayers have been answered by God' (both in the Hebrew) Denae, 'innocent' (in Hebrew) and 'Greek goddess, Danae was the goddess of music and poetry' (in Greek)

Dr. Seuss Day
We truly love him
in a house.
We truly love him
with a mouse.
We truly love him
here or there.
We truly love him
We truly love the silly goose.
We truly love old Dr. Seuss!

9 Things You May Not Know About Dr. Seuss
The Life and Times of Dr. Seuss
7 Fun Ways to Celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
Say what? His books were more than what they seemed?  Of course they were! The Social-Political Writings of Dr. Seuss
Dr. Seuss & His Friends Book List
10 Dr. Seuss Quotes Everyone Should Know

Banana Cream Pie Day
Banana Cream Pie from Scratch (my mouth is watering)
Favorite Banana Cream Pie Recipe
Banana Cream Pie in a Vanilla Wafer Crust
Banana Cream Pie Cocktail
Banana Cream Pie Martini


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