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March 4, 2015

Holy Experiment Day
Religious Diversity: A “Holy Experiment” in Colonial America
William Penn: The first founder of holy experiments. Yes, he still excluded some people/people groups but it was the start and a step in the right direction of diversity. (P.S. Is it just me or does he also look like the poster "boy" for Quaker Oats?!)
I think this day could be tricky. Years ago my brother prayed a very specific request to God and it wasn't answered - either at all or according to how my brother was hoping. So his 'holy experiment' failed and he decided God wasn't all that real. Yes, he and I have had the talk about his request. Perhaps it wasn't something that would be beneficial to his life, even though he thought so.  Perhaps it wasn't something that would grow him as a human, even though he thought so.  He didn't like my seemingly 'textbook' answers and so we arrived at an impasse.
In Isaiah God has this to say about our requests versus his answers, "'I don’t think the way you think. The way you work isn’t the way I work.' God’s Decree. 'For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.'" (55:9 MSG)
Perhaps today the best experiment to conduct is that of allowing God to answer in his way, not yours. Perhaps it is choosing to believe that even though the answer seems hidden, there is an answer and God holds it in his hand.  Perhaps it is taking the chance in opening your mind a little wider and accepting that we don't always get to be privvy to specific events but God is behind them.
Here's how I see my relationship with God and my choice to believe in him: who is it hurting? Certainly not me, I find great peace and joy in Christ.  Certainly not others, having a relationship with Christ makes me a better person (TRUST ME) and gives me love for others that I may not have otherwise.  So who is it hurting really?  Nobody.  If at the end of my life I discover it is all for naught I won't have any regrets for choosing it my whole life, I believe - no I know for a fact - it has made me a better daughter, sister, friend, wife, mother, and co-worker. Would you rather have me operating out of my flesh?  Trust me, your answer should be no. :)  

Hug a GI Day
I live in a military town.  We are home to The United States Air Force Academy, Ft Carson, NORAD, Peterson Air Force Base, and Schriever Air Force Base.
So needless to say my hometown gives me LOTS of opportunities to hug a GI today.  If physical hugs feel a little weird (they do to me, personal space and all that jazz) then why not hand out Hershey Hugs to any GI you see today?  :)

Grammar Day
The Decline of Grammar: This article was originally published in 1983, before the technology of smartphones and 'text speak'. If the author thought it was bad then, just imagine what the author thinks of it now.
Linguist Steven Pinker: 10 'grammar rules' it's OK to break (sometimes)
Why Grammar Is Important
As it usually does, in my world at least, it all comes back to FRIENDS...

International Scrapbooking Industry Day
10 Reasons Why You Should Scrapbook Your Photos
Why Scrapbook?

Toy Soldier Day
The History of Toy Soldiers
Classic Toy Soldiers: Any kind of toy soldier you can think of!
Toy Green Army Man Halloween Costume
How to Make a Christmas Toy Soldier Costume
Other nods to Toy Soldiers: the video game, the band, the movie, the song.

Poundcake Day
One of my besties has a Mama that makes the best poundcake I will ever eat. She lives in Georgia and she makes it the best way - southern.  It's amazing.
First, just a bit of history on the poundcake and the different varieties worldwide.
14 Perfect Pound Cakes from Southern Living
The Classic Pound Cake
The Pound Cake Martini
The Pound Cake Drink

Not a food or beverage but a band, the song (from a different band - Van Halen so it's really an adults only song/video). Apparently poundcake is also used as slang for sexual things (because, in part, of the Van Halen song) but I'll just leave that be.
Perhaps we should just keep the focus on the food and beverage today. :)


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