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Insanity at its finest

Mothers are all slightly insane.  J.D. Salinger

It's true.  We Moms know a good deal about the insanity that this profession drives us to.  There's the insanity of playdates in which another child injures yours, accident or not, and you get this roar within you that wants to be let out.  It is insanity to hold it in and instead respond with civility.  There's the insanity of the teacher who chooses to be hard on your child and the roar inches up closer to the surface, perhaps even eeks out a bit.  There's the insanity of being so thankful that school has started up again after a long, tiring summer of trying to occupy the child(ren) without relying on too much TV and yet it ends up being too much, but as you drive away from dropping them off for their first day of school you feel insane because tears are rolling down your face and you already miss them.  That is insanity.  There's the insanity of their grumbling and complaining about doing chores, which translates that they just want to be lazy humans who are always served and catered to, and in the end we know we can get it done faster and better and so we give in to their grumbling and yet immediately hate ourselves afterward for once again not doing the responsible thing.  Insanity.  There's the insanity of "mom's day/night out" with the intent to get away from the children, not talk about the children, remember we are women first and what happens?  Pure insanity. Labor stories are shared, playdates are made, stories about our brilliant children dominate the day/night.  And yet we go home refreshed when all we did was talk about them the whole time!  Insanity.  There's the insanity of vividly remembering yourself at the exact age your child(ren) are at and thinking, "Whose kid is this?  I'm not old enough to be their parent!" and having to make adult/parental decisions that will affect them the rest of their lives.  This leads to insanity.  And there is the insanity of drawing close the child, breathing in their smell - be it good or bad at that moment, and wanting to squeeze them until they pop because your love for them goes beyond rational thinking.  That is insanity at its finest.  Happy Mothers Day to all of my fellow insane Mothers.  :)  


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