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From Saturday, May 5: You got no rights!

I experimented with this post.  I was gone all day on Saturday, May 5 and put this post on an automatic publish time for May 5.  And it didn't work.  The set-up seemed straight forward and I even got a confirmation of the time on May 5 it was going to automatically publish and yet it didn't.  So, without further ado here is the quote for May 5!
Living for Christ means giving up the “right” to a life that looks any different than his.  Steve Spotts

People don't like this.  No really, they don't at all.  And a lot of the people who don't like it are ones who say they are followers of Jesus!  In our human nature we feel and believed we are entitled.  Oh we don't say it like that and if someone (oh look I just have) says that to us in that way we get U.P.S.E.T.  C'mon, you know I'm right.  :)  It's okay, I'm not fond of it either (in my flesh) BUT (oh gosh you knew that was coming, right?!) if I really am a follower of Jesus then I let go of all my entitlements and allow his word to be my guidebook for life.  For example, pick any of the 10 commandments.  Jesus followed them to the last little jot and tittle, they did not and have not become null and void with his appearance.  So that means we allow our lives to be touched by the commandments as well.  As they are and not our comfort definitions of them.  (I'm specifically thinking of idol worship here - I can just hear it now - perhaps I have heard it - "oh my excessive TV watching isn't an idol because the Bible doesn't name it so therefore it must be okay to replace God with the TV, I watch TBN on it sometimes, isn't that good?!?"  Maybe my sarcasm here is uncalled for or maybe it's just calling it like I've seen it/heard it/experienced it, I'll leave that you.)  But see Jesus didn't come to entitle us to our flesh but to give us heir rights to the Kingdom.  If we want to be royalty we gotta start acting like it and that means we have no rights and we take up the life Jesus has modeled for us.  Will it rub us wrong sometimes?  You bet, our human nature likes its rights (with all of its tastes and preferences).  So the question you are left to answer is this:  who am I going to live for?  Once you answer that you know by whose "rights" you are going to live by.  


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