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Never Be The Same

Shhhhhhh.  I know a "secret" about Red.  What?  You want to know what it is?  Well, I guess they won't mind.  I suppose I can tell you.  You know how the band Red tours bars and such?  Is on the secular top 40?  Played on metal stations?  You know?  Well...well...they are...CHRISTIANS!  GASP!  :)  Ha! 
So the band Red pretty much rocks.  I began my love with them during this song's airplay.  Interesting sidenote: Red uses and endorses Westone Music Products - the company my hub works for - and they stopped by Westone a year or so ago in their big ole tour bus and Lanny got to meet them.  Pretty cool.  Down to earth guys who love Jesus and play/sing hard rock.  :) But back to the song. 
So, it's a love song...I think.  I'm always unsure if it is a love song between man and woman or between us and God.  Because I'm in a happy and satisfying marriage I have always looked at it as a song between God and I.  Whatev. 

So many of the lyrics communicate my heart toward God. 
"You're the only voice my heart can recognize"
"I just can't walk away 'cause after loving you I can never be the same."
"And how can I pretend I've never known you? Like it was all a dream, no."
"Nothing compares to you. I can't let you go, Can't let you go. I can't let go."
"I'll never be the same, not after loving you, not after loving you, no."
"I just can't walk away. No, I can't walk away from you."

I know some people, personally, who have walked away from God.  I can't imagine.  I've actually tried to imagine and I can't!  After all that God has done, not just in my life but in the lives of people around me, etc I can't fathom walking away from him as if he never was or is.  And I am so changed for the better (ask my hub - he can testify to that - ha! No really...) by the love of God in my life and the work of God in my life that I will never be the same - glory be!  Even if I tried I don't think I would get very far from God.  I have chosen to weave him so tightly into my life that it would be way more work to remove him than to just allow him to be sovereign.  God really is the only voice my heart recognizes without hesitation...Lanny is a close second. :)  Never Be The Same


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