I found a great article in Reader's Digest about effortless ways to become more frugal. I confess, the word effortless is what caught my attention. If it takes too much work, time, energy I'm at a place in my life where I'm not all that interested. I mean - these days I'm buying some of my veggies for recipes already chopped (which isn't thrifty in terms of money but is saving my sanity - pros and cons people. *grin*). So effortless is really appealing to me. Here's the article, I highly recommend reading it. One of my favorite tips in the article is "take care of your stuff." My hub and I excel at this. Another one was use smaller plates (read the article to see why) which is something I've been mulling over lately - now I'm even more motivated to do it!
How about you? Do you have a practically effortless tip to pass along to us about a way to be more thrifty?
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