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Today's #ThriftyThursday topic is grocery shopping. Did you hear the loud groan that accompanied those two words? I hate grocery shopping. And I really hate putting them away once I get home. But that's neither here nor there when it comes to thriftiness. 

For years I've seen different tips and hints and whatever else's about how to save money on groceries. Of course there are coupons and there was that ridiculous couponing craze a few years back that made people look and act insane. Regardless, I've not been successful at any of these tips, hints, methods, etc. Mostly because it usually requires a lot of driving around to several different stores and getting in and out of your car a lot. Who has time for this? Even people who work from home or don't have another job outside the home - how in the world do you have time to drive to and fro? Plus, the cost of gasoline driving all over the place - uh hello? Anyway, I'm not very good at the whole thing. 

But I found an article that gave 10 tips to get a little more thrifty on the grocery side of life and what I liked about the article is some of the tips didn't involve me driving all over town just to save $.10 on 5 cans of soup. (Just sayin'.) I was also pleasantly surprised to discover that I practice one of the tips - meal planning. I also, every so often, will go to the discount bread store which I LOVE. So yay me! I'm practicing a couple of the tips. Here's the article, are you practicing any or have you in the past? 

Today's #ThriftyThursday Quote:


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