Ever received a communication (email, text, phone call, handwritten note, etc) from someone for no reason at all except they just wanted you to know they were thinking of you? How did it make you feel? When I get those "out of the blue" communications from people I feel embraced. It feels nice that someone somewhere is thinking about me in a nice way - haha! I'm sure people think about me, I'm not sure it's always in positive ways. (Just being real people, I am NOT easy to live with.) A while back I was studying in the book of Philippians and in chapter one, verse three I paused. It says, "Whenever you cross my mind, I thank my God for you and for the gift of knowing you." And I got to thinking that my relationships might change, for the better, when I am intentional in reaching out and just saying "hey" when someone crosses my mind. Just to let them know I thought of them, maybe prayed for them, etc. I know how grateful I feel when ...