Today driving to work in the thick-as-pea-soup fog this morning I was, again, grateful for my corrective lens, i.e. glasses. :) I got them a few years back for distance, watching TV, driving at night. But I find, as I get older, I need them more and more and once I put them on I am always grateful all over again for them. They truly help me see clearer, they sharpen what I am looking at, they even can give me perspective on something I didn't see very clearly at first look. I am grateful for the ability to afford the glasses so I can see as clearly as possible - I'm pretty sure other people, like drivers, are glad I can see clearer also!
The Feast of Firstfruits & Easter Go for Broke Day If it scares you this is the day to go for it no matter what. One Day Without Shoes Day Today is to raise global awareness for children’s health and education. Why shoes? Because shoes help protect from bacteria in the dirt, rusty nails, dirty needles and shoes enable feet to withstand the long distances most children in developing countries need to walk to get to school. Join TOMS One for One There is plenty of criticism out there for TOMS and its short term solutions. Critics don't even buy the "at least they are doing something" statement. However, you have to start somewhere. And every bit of awareness helps something go from short term to long term. We all have a part to play. Read a Road Map Day One of the many reasons I would stink at The Amazing Race is because I never did learn how to read a road map well. I remember doing worksheets and class lessons on maps and I was able to skate by ...
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