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You are more

The minute I started listening to this song for the first time today I knew I would have to post it as the song for today.  And then I saw the video, I'm so visual, and I KNEW I really had to post it!  Take the 3 minutes and some odd seconds to watch this video and listen to this song. 

I just finished a book by Cathy Lamb titled "Such a Pretty Face" and it addressed some hard issues.  Eating disorders, Schizophrenia, verbal abuse, and a few others.  And it gave me such insight into especially the world of schizophrenia and their families.  But in one part of the book the main character, who had gastric bypass surgery because she was morbidly obese, talks about fat people and the world's perception of them not to mention the world's treatment of them.  The most important thing she said is that fat people are people too.  They have value and worth just like anyone else.  And if people would take the time to look below the fat they would see that the reason these people are fat is because they are hiding from a deep wound.  She's right you know.  Her point was, "I am more than the fat person you see."  All of us are more than the surface that everyone sees when they first look at us.  We are so quick to make judgements about people based on surface appearances and we never bother to look below the surface to discover the why's.  And there are why's to everyone's stories. 

I love this song and video because like the book I just finished it's message is, "People are more than what you see, there is a why, let's all take the time to see each other's why's."  Indeed. 

You are more


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