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Unofficial UK Election Song 2010

In honor of election day today I thought a little humor would be in order, just to ease the tension of our national elections the song I found is in parody of the UK elections!  ;)  Seems that no matter where you go in the world, politics is a hot button.  And we are not the only nation who differs in opinions, views, etc but while I couldn't find one song on or about our election season the UK had plenty of choices!  It appears they are able to take it all a bit more tongue in cheek than we Americans do or even can. 

You won't be able to engage me very often in a political discussion.  One reason is I HATE, and I do mean hate exactly how it is defined, the tension it can and does introduce into a situation and/or relationship.  I don't even like talking politics with my like-minded friends and family!  I hate everything about it.  Do I have specific views?  Yep.  Do I have firm opinions on candidates, etc?  Yep.  Will you ever see me post something on my FaceBook status, for example, about a specific party platform or candidate?  NOPE.  I have no issue with those who do and can, good for them!  But I cannot do it. 

So here's as much as you will ever hear me say in a public forum about the topic of politics and my beliefs concerning politics.  Are you ready?  :)

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."  Proverbs 3:5-6

Wait.  There's more I have to say!  :)  Oh I'm on a roll now, I don't know if you'll be able to get me to shut up, haha! 

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God."  Romans 13:1

Oh, yeah now you are about to protest but wait, I have even more to say about it...

"For my (the Lord's) thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my (the Lord's) ways,' declares the Lord.  'As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my (the Lord's) ways higher than your ways and my (the Lord's) thoughts than your thoughts."  Isaiah 55:8-9

OH MY GOSH BETH.  You are so "fill in blank of your choice of adjective about me for living out of this political perspective".  :)
So let me quickly address the things I think people think and/or say about me and anyone else who lives out of this mindset.  Ready?  Here we go.

  1. No I am not being naive.  :)  I know I am in a whole bunch of areas, even at 36 I still don't have a lot of life experience BUT my life experiences to this point have led me to live out of this political perspective.  And so far it hasn't led me astray.  I live out of an understanding and a peace about the way this world is going because I have made a deliberate choice to trust the One who establishes authorities.
  2. Yes I vote.  It is a privilege and duty.  Yes I believe that I have a responsibility to God and to my country to vote.  Yes I believe my vote can make a difference even though I believe that ultimately God places into office who he knows is the best for getting the job - HIS JOB - done.  God has commanded believers to be voices in this world, one of the ways we can do that is through the governing of counties, cities, states, and the nation. 
  3. Yes I can become frustrated with certain party lines, perspectives, people - even with those who I claim to vote for and with.  No I don't let the frustration ruin my day, week, month, year, term until the next election.  See #1 for the the reason why. :) 
  4. The is perhaps the most important thing I will ever say about the whole topic.  I firmly believe MORALITY MATTERS.  Moral issues carry a weight that too few people give credit to.  One moral issue leads to a decision which leads to other decisions.  In tandem with believing that morality matters deeply in matters of politics and governing the nation on all the levels I mentioned in #2 I also believe that as a professor of faith in Jesus Christ that I have a responsibility to vote according to God's standards and with the chosen people of God. 
So there.  That's it, that's all I have to say and will say on the whole topic of politics.  Ask me my thoughts past today and I'll bring you right back to this page and tell you to just read or re-read it! 

So.  GO VOTE!  You have a civic duty and it is a privilege in this country to be able to have a voice.  Let your voice be heard!  And to ease the possible tension of today's national elections listen in on the mocking of the UK elections!! :) 

Unofficial UK Election Song 2010


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