Blood is creepy. Well to most people at least. So when us believers talk about the blood of Jesus cleansing us and others no wonder some people think we are in a cult or have lost our minds! Here's the deal on that. Ready? Jesus gave his life, bore our sins on himself, shed his blood and paid a price that we will now never have to pay. It's not like I'm walking around wearing a vile of Jesus' blood as a guarantee against anything. His blood didn't need to touch me in the physical sense in order for me to be cleansed from my sin and unrighteousness. And the good news is the same holds true for you! The only thing we have to do to be cleansed by the blood he shed for us is to say, "You know what God? I believe that, I believe that you sent Jesus to shoulder all of my ick and pay the price for it and I can accept it. So I accept it and want to live a life that shows others that I accept the gift and I believe it." THAT'S IT!! It is a free gift! A man laid down his life for you and all you have to do is say, "Okay." Doesn't mean you are going to "get" everything right away, doesn't mean that some things aren't going to perplex you (like the Trinity or how God can continue to look at you with love when you mess up, you know things like that). But it means that you are cleansed before God, your sins have been atoned for and you don't have to pay the price for them, ever. Jesus took care of that for you. Once you believe that and can accept it you'll find yourself also singing in gratefulness for the blood of Jesus! :)
Nothing but the Blood (New tune for this beloved hymn!)
Nothing but the Blood (Brooke Fraser)
Nothing but the Blood (Jars of Clay doin' it with a country twist, nice!)
Nothing but the Blood (The Gaithers)
Nothing but the Blood (New tune for this beloved hymn!)
Nothing but the Blood (Brooke Fraser)
Nothing but the Blood (Jars of Clay doin' it with a country twist, nice!)
Nothing but the Blood (The Gaithers)
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