From octo, Latin for “eight”
The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin octō meaning "eight") after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This is a cancer that has affected more families worldwide. I'm not sure we need more awareness so much as we do need to pursue treatment options and potential cures. The awareness comes in advocating for women, and men, to take better care of themselves, be aware of symptoms and
markers, as well as family history.
New breast exam nearly quadruples detection of invasive breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue
Nutritional education can help breast cancer patients prevent recurrences
It's rare but it happens, Male Breast Cancer
Breast cancer types: What your type means
Pizza Month
Fun Pizza Facts to Celebrate National Pizza Month
12 Facts About Pizza
Pizza of the Month Club
Fair Trade Month
The Fair Trade movement began back in 1946 when a woman named Edna Ruth Byler began importing needlecrafts from low income women in South America. She laid the groundwork for the first Fair Trade organization, the Mennonite Central Committee. (source)
4 Tips for Socially Responsible Eating & Drinking Habits on a Budget
Made in the Shade: Six Reasons to Choose Organic, Shade-Grown, Fair Trade Coffee
Chocolate and Child Slavery
12 Fair Trade Chocolate Bars: Taste Test
Shopping Ethically
Fair Trade USA
Be Fair
Fair Trade Federation
Yobel Market
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
The Shelter Pet Project
National Mill Dog Rescue
7 Shelter Dogs That Saved Lives
Top Five Reasons to Adopt
American Pharmacist Month
The first pharmacists, Apothecaries
A History of Pharmacist Today
Fun Facts on Pharmacists
AppleJack Month
Delicious recipes that use applejack
The Original American Spirit And Its Best Cocktails
Clergy Appreciation Month
Did you know that a lot of clergy lose their faith?
When Religious Leaders Lose Their Faith
An online support group for those clergy who have lost their faith
Clergy burnout: Who shepherds the shepherds?
Stress and Clergy Health
Pastor Appreciation Month: 5 Ways to Say Thanks
Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month
Computer Learning Month
Learn a new-to-you computer skill this month!
Check at your local libraries and Work Force Centers for free and inexpensive classes.
8 courses for Computer Learning Month
Cookie Month
Cookie Monster and I are kindred spirits. I love me some cookies. There's nothing wrong with a cookie or two - all in moderation.
I love baking cookies, and eating them. I love baking them for others, baking is a form of therapy for me.
So bring on the cookies this month!
There are cookie of the month clubs! Oh my, that's tempting...for those who don't like to bake that is!
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
30 Shocking Domestic Violence Statistics That Remind Us It's An Epidemic
Statistics & Facts
11 Facts About Domestic And Dating Violence
What’s Wrong with the Violence Against Women Act?
Domestic Violence Law
Organizations Related to Domestic Violence
Lupus Awareness Month
This is one of the hardest diseases to detect and diagnose. Officially there can't be a true diagnosis, just a bunch of symptoms that look like Lupus so treatment takes place as if it is. What is Lupus?
What causes lupus?
Fast Facts: Lupus
National Diabetes Month
Understanding Diabetes
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown: Conditions
Type 2 diabetes: Risk Factors
Diabetes prevention: 5 tips for taking control
Let’s Outsmart Diabetes—Together
The Effects of Diabetes on the Body
National Vegetarian Month
Exploring the different vegetarian diets
Why Celebrate Vegetarian Awareness Month?
The Vegetarian Times: Support for the Vegetarian Lifestyle
National Popcorn Popping Month
Popcorn has popped (pun intended) up this year already so I'm not going to repeat all that fun info. If you want a refresher on some of the more fascinating facts of popcorn then you can click here.
I adore popcorn so I'm sure this month I will be observing this holiday more than once.
Sarcastic Month
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
"his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing; irony; cynicism
21 Problems All Sarcastic People Will Understand
Maxipad Company Replies to Man's Facebook Rant With Awe-Inspiring Sarcasm
The Science of Sarcasm? Yeah, Right
14 delicious examples of sarcasm in the workplace
Psychology of Sarcasm – Dealing With Sarcastic People
How Sarcasm and Snark Can Destroy a Marriage
How to Eliminate Sarcasm
Seafood Month
Celebrating Sustainable Aquaculture
All About Seafood
Week 1: Get Organized
Back in January organization was highlighted for the whole month. Hopefully some of those habits stuck and this week is more of a maintenance kind of thing.
27 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized
Getting Organized for the Week Ahead
Customer Service
15 Customer Service Skills that Every Employee Needs, Ten Commandments of Great Customer Service, Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers, 9 retailers with the worst customer service, Maybe You Get Bad Customer Service Because You're a Bad Customer
Week 2: Fire Prevention
Fast facts about fire
Pet Peeve
20 Of The Most Common Pet Peeves, You Bug Me. Now Science Explains Why.
Week 3: Pastoral Care
Shepherding the Shepherds, 10 Ways to Support Your Congregation's Pastor
From octo, Latin for “eight”
The eighth month in the old Roman calendar, October retained its name (from the Latin octō meaning "eight") after January and February were inserted into the calendar that had originally been created by the Romans.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
This is a cancer that has affected more families worldwide. I'm not sure we need more awareness so much as we do need to pursue treatment options and potential cures. The awareness comes in advocating for women, and men, to take better care of themselves, be aware of symptoms and
markers, as well as family history.
New breast exam nearly quadruples detection of invasive breast cancers in women with dense breast tissue
Nutritional education can help breast cancer patients prevent recurrences
It's rare but it happens, Male Breast Cancer
Breast cancer types: What your type means
Pizza Month
Fun Pizza Facts to Celebrate National Pizza Month
12 Facts About Pizza
Pizza of the Month Club
Fair Trade Month
The Fair Trade movement began back in 1946 when a woman named Edna Ruth Byler began importing needlecrafts from low income women in South America. She laid the groundwork for the first Fair Trade organization, the Mennonite Central Committee. (source)
4 Tips for Socially Responsible Eating & Drinking Habits on a Budget
Made in the Shade: Six Reasons to Choose Organic, Shade-Grown, Fair Trade Coffee
Chocolate and Child Slavery
12 Fair Trade Chocolate Bars: Taste Test
Shopping Ethically
Fair Trade USA
Be Fair
Fair Trade Federation
Yobel Market
Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
The Shelter Pet Project
National Mill Dog Rescue
7 Shelter Dogs That Saved Lives
Top Five Reasons to Adopt
American Pharmacist Month
The first pharmacists, Apothecaries
A History of Pharmacist Today
Fun Facts on Pharmacists
Delicious recipes that use applejack
The Original American Spirit And Its Best Cocktails
Clergy Appreciation Month
Did you know that a lot of clergy lose their faith?
When Religious Leaders Lose Their Faith
An online support group for those clergy who have lost their faith
Clergy burnout: Who shepherds the shepherds?
Stress and Clergy Health
Pastor Appreciation Month: 5 Ways to Say Thanks
Ideas for Pastor Appreciation Month
Computer Learning Month
Learn a new-to-you computer skill this month!
Check at your local libraries and Work Force Centers for free and inexpensive classes.
8 courses for Computer Learning Month
Cookie Month
I love baking cookies, and eating them. I love baking them for others, baking is a form of therapy for me.
So bring on the cookies this month!
There are cookie of the month clubs! Oh my, that's tempting...for those who don't like to bake that is!
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Statistics & Facts
11 Facts About Domestic And Dating Violence
What’s Wrong with the Violence Against Women Act?
Domestic Violence Law
Organizations Related to Domestic Violence
Lupus Awareness Month
This is one of the hardest diseases to detect and diagnose. Officially there can't be a true diagnosis, just a bunch of symptoms that look like Lupus so treatment takes place as if it is. What is Lupus?
What causes lupus?
Fast Facts: Lupus
National Diabetes Month
Understanding Diabetes
The exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown: Conditions
Type 2 diabetes: Risk Factors
Diabetes prevention: 5 tips for taking control
Let’s Outsmart Diabetes—Together
The Effects of Diabetes on the Body
National Vegetarian Month
Exploring the different vegetarian diets
The Vegetarian Times: Support for the Vegetarian Lifestyle
National Popcorn Popping Month
I adore popcorn so I'm sure this month I will be observing this holiday more than once.
Sarcastic Month
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
"his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
synonyms: derision, mockery, ridicule, scorn, sneering, scoffing; irony; cynicism
21 Problems All Sarcastic People Will Understand
Maxipad Company Replies to Man's Facebook Rant With Awe-Inspiring Sarcasm
The Science of Sarcasm? Yeah, Right
14 delicious examples of sarcasm in the workplace
Chandler Bing is a Master of Sarcasm
Psychology of Sarcasm – Dealing With Sarcastic People
How Sarcasm and Snark Can Destroy a Marriage
How to Eliminate Sarcasm
Seafood Month
Celebrating Sustainable Aquaculture
All About Seafood
Week 1: Get Organized
Back in January organization was highlighted for the whole month. Hopefully some of those habits stuck and this week is more of a maintenance kind of thing.
27 Great Tips to Keep Your Life Organized
Getting Organized for the Week Ahead
Customer Service
15 Customer Service Skills that Every Employee Needs, Ten Commandments of Great Customer Service, Stop Trying to Delight Your Customers, 9 retailers with the worst customer service, Maybe You Get Bad Customer Service Because You're a Bad Customer
Week 2: Fire Prevention
Fast facts about fire
Pet Peeve
20 Of The Most Common Pet Peeves, You Bug Me. Now Science Explains Why.
Week 3: Pastoral Care
Shepherding the Shepherds, 10 Ways to Support Your Congregation's Pastor
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