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For Wednesday, March 27: Shed the greed to meet the need

There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed.  Gandhi

We are a wasteful, selfish people.  We are.  Quit sputtering, calm down, and allow reality to be your perspective.
Did you know that in the U.S. alone we waste 96 billion pounds of food?  Food that is edible.  In Europe and the U.S. half of all prepared food gets thrown out.  If, out of the food that was thrown away, only 25 percent was recovered 20 million people could be fed.  While it is true we can't send our bread to Africa (it would get moldy before getting there) it is true that each of us, within our own communities, can help to alleviate the hunger problem.  Yes, even in Africa or India or wherever poverty is highlighted because of the intense need.  How do I know that even in the third world developing countries the hunger need can be alleviated?  Because greed makes its home in all countries, not just the seemingly rich ones.  There is greed in every nook and cranny of this world, sometimes we have to search a little harder to find it.  Other times it is very obvious.  *Greed is what assists in placing people under the oppression of poverty - both the physical poverty and the emotional poverty we see today in the world.  The truth is, when it comes to food, there is more than enough on this planet for everyone to be fed.  But greed gets in the way.  Greed hoards and behaves in selfish ways.  Greed is the obstacle to the need being met.  Yes, it is true that in order to meet the need with the plenty that is available we would have to get creative in some instances. So what?  Get creative then.  It starts with you and I.  First we must make the decision to let go of our greed, our fear that there isn't enough (when clearly there is more than enough), and our irrational desire to protect self at all costs.   Then we begin to reach out in our local community.  Did you know that each local community has need?  Become aware.  Allow your eyes to be open to the needs.  Begin to do something about it.  Join a local food bank, volunteer at a shelter, be willing to give up your $5 coffees for the sake of someones need being met, etc.  You know where I'm headed.  Shed the greed to meet the need.

*I have a lot more to say on greed but I'll spare you.  :) Suffice it to say that the problem if greed goes much deeper and farther than the physical. 


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