Though I may be efficient at the family table, I linger at the table for two. Laurie Helgoe, Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength
There's a problem I have. And today's quote helps me sum up my problem. I am what you would call out outgoing introvert. It means I can do extroverted things or behave in extroverted ways BUT for shorter lengths of time and I am exhausted afterwards. My job outside my home happens to be a front desk receptionist. Um. Hello extrovert behavior anyone? I have to interact, I can't crawl into my cave that I love and have decorated. Here's where my problem occurs. A lot of people only see me in the role of front desk receptionist i.e. being an "extrovert". What they don't see is before and after. Before work I don't do a lot of talking or engaging - I'm pretty careful with my time before work each day. After work? Same thing. I try to stay pretty quiet and boost up my reserves for the next day. The weekend? Oh I've gotten pretty selfish about my weekends. I try not to interact and engage a lot and if I do I am pretty cranky come Monday because I didn't get the time I needed to regroup from the previous work week of extroverted behavior. So the people who see me sitting at the front desk and interacting in very extroverted ways think I'm an extrovert. And when I try to explain to them that no, I'm actually an introvert they scoff and dismiss if I don't know myself?!? Yes, I am efficient at the "family table" but I prefer and get my strength and feel fed in my soul when I hang out at the "table for two".
Which are you? Do you linger, like me, at the table for two or do you linger at the family table? There is no wrong answer. Both are okay. There is no shame in being a table for two person or a family table person. But here's what I want to say, quit "telling" others what they are. Quit dismissing them when they say they are one or the other. We all know ourselves, if someone says they are an extrovert or an introvert believe them. It's really frustrating, perhaps more so for the outgoing introvert, to be dismissed and told what they are really like. We all know what kind of table we prefer sitting at, let's respect that about each other.
There's a problem I have. And today's quote helps me sum up my problem. I am what you would call out outgoing introvert. It means I can do extroverted things or behave in extroverted ways BUT for shorter lengths of time and I am exhausted afterwards. My job outside my home happens to be a front desk receptionist. Um. Hello extrovert behavior anyone? I have to interact, I can't crawl into my cave that I love and have decorated. Here's where my problem occurs. A lot of people only see me in the role of front desk receptionist i.e. being an "extrovert". What they don't see is before and after. Before work I don't do a lot of talking or engaging - I'm pretty careful with my time before work each day. After work? Same thing. I try to stay pretty quiet and boost up my reserves for the next day. The weekend? Oh I've gotten pretty selfish about my weekends. I try not to interact and engage a lot and if I do I am pretty cranky come Monday because I didn't get the time I needed to regroup from the previous work week of extroverted behavior. So the people who see me sitting at the front desk and interacting in very extroverted ways think I'm an extrovert. And when I try to explain to them that no, I'm actually an introvert they scoff and dismiss if I don't know myself?!? Yes, I am efficient at the "family table" but I prefer and get my strength and feel fed in my soul when I hang out at the "table for two".
Which are you? Do you linger, like me, at the table for two or do you linger at the family table? There is no wrong answer. Both are okay. There is no shame in being a table for two person or a family table person. But here's what I want to say, quit "telling" others what they are. Quit dismissing them when they say they are one or the other. We all know ourselves, if someone says they are an extrovert or an introvert believe them. It's really frustrating, perhaps more so for the outgoing introvert, to be dismissed and told what they are really like. We all know what kind of table we prefer sitting at, let's respect that about each other.
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