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Not Ashamed

Jeremy Camp is a fave and this isn't the first time he's appeared on the 365.  I was listening to his most recent project the other day which happens to be a worship album and this song really struck me.  It's not the first time I've heard the song but you know how sometimes something you read or hear that is familiar suddenly impacts you in a new or fresh way?  So it was/is with this song and I wanted to squeeze it in on the 365 before we ended, which incidentally is only 3 (including today) days away. 
In today's culture it has become rather unpopular to state so definitively that you are a Christian, believe God's word is infallible, believe that Jesus is truly the ONLY way, and seek to live according to the standards God lays out in the Bible.  Oh I'm sorry, I should have said "in today's CHURCH culture" because that is where it has become, ironically enough, the most unpopular to be/say/do those things.  Today's song goes against that trend and makes a clear statement that there is no shame in what I believe, how I choose to live out my life, and how much of the Word of God I choose to take literally (that'd be 100% for anyone wondering).  It's not the world outside of the Church that is the problem when it comes to shame about beliefs, about's the Church.  Don't believe me?  All you have to do is look at, listen to, and watch the "big names" in Christiandome to begin to see what I'm saying.  Heck, all you have to do is listen to, watch, and look at the majority of people who you attend church with each Sunday.  Start talking about Jesus too much or too enthusiastically and you'll see them start to squirm from embarrassment and shame over the fact that God asks so much of us and they just don't think God should ask so much.  No seriously.  I'm being very for real here.  I know.  I sound mean and harsh and rude.  I promise you I don't say it with those kind of tones, I'm just being real and it's time we start being real.  It's time, as the song states, to stand and BOLDLY say that you, that we are NOT ashamed of Jesus Christ.  And if you are ashamed?  Well, let's talk.  I mean it.  I would love to talk about it with you.   

Not Ashamed


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